I can't wait!
I can't wait!
This looks absolutely incredible. The art style and movements are so amazing
This is actually incredible. I was mesmerized the entire time
Wow, you are really good at establishing a distinct atmosphere. Fantastic!
Hmmm very interesting. I wonder what will happen next...
Very very very well made. Spectacular quality. Great designs and energy and style to all of it. Honestly the only negative criticism I have is an incredibly minor nitpick, and that's that there were a couple moments where things seemed a little too overanimated: Bentley saluting his brother at the beginning, and Brick falling over after their vehicle explodes. I think if these movements were a bit snappier, they'd work better, but once again this is an extremely minor nitpick. This video was absolutely incredible both visual and audio-wise. Fantastic job!
Absolutely fantastic. The artstyle has so much personality, the animation is so fluid and gooey, the narration is so professional, and the whole story is just so endearing. Incredibly well-made!
Really cute and charming. I love really well made pixel animation! I hate to be that guy, but you forgot the 'c' in 'acquired,' but I will admit, there's is a charm to that as well
my spelling errors are actually making me sad.
Alright, that does it, I'm becoming a patron. Sublo and Tangy Mustard is legitimately one of my favorite shows currently being created. Can't wait to see more!
awesome, thanks!
This has some really really good gags!
Don't let the sludge run sour.
Age 29, Male
The Swamps
Joined on 5/2/15